Exactly How Important Is Sunscreen?

There are a lot of questions out there lately about sunscreen. Is it good? Is it bad? Here’s what we’ve learned.

First let’s talk about Vitamin D. Most people can fulfill their daily vitamin D requirements with normal daily activities amounting to 30 minutes outdoors twice per week. Equally, a healthy vitamin D rich diet of fish, milk, dairy, liver, eggs and vitamin D supplementation provides daily requirements. Prolonged sun exposure gives no extra production of necessary vitamin D, and it exposes the skin to the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation which includes development of skin cancers.

One must also be aware of sun exposure when taking certain medications. There are many medications which may make the skin extra susceptible to sun. These include anti-inflammatory, cardiovascular, and acne medications. Oral medications Doxycycline and Minocycline used in the treatment of acne may cause skin problems when exposed to direct and prolonged UV.

What about spray on sunscreens and expired sunscreens.

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